Show us what you’re working on So Cal SFMA members!
Showcase your fields ...and maybe even win a $250 Visa gift card!
All members are invited to submit photos for addition to this webpage. We would love to see your current projects (big or small), or the results of a past project! Send us your before, during, and after photos as well as an explanation of what we're seeing. Be sure to include the who, what, when and where for your field. What was your goal? Describe any challenges you faced.
Each quarter we will draw a name from the list of members who submit photos (and a description) for a chance to win a Visa gift card valued at $250.
Please send 4-6 photos in .jpeg format to or text them from your phone to (949) 466-1222. Remember to include a brief description of the location and project you are focusing on. Describe the process and the challenges you faced to get the results you achieved.
University of San Diego Fields
Fowler Park (Baseball field) and Torero Stadium (Football and Soccer Field).

Corona Del Mar High School Baseball Field
This field is maintained by the Corona Del Mar High School Turf Class (Turf Kings). During the season, they cut a new design into the field each week.
Cal State Bakersfield Fields
Both Hardt Field (baseball) and their soccer field were overseeded with Pro Sportsfield Elite turfgrass mixture (Sahara Bermuda, Allaire 3 Perennial Rye, Evening Shade Perennial Rye). The baseball field was overseeded in September 2022; the soccer field was overseeded in November 2022. The wet winter helped produce full coverage. They have a 3-man crew who did all renovations in-house and are in the middle of summer renovations right now.