Facilities Tour at San Diego State University
Friday, April 12, 8 a.m.-Noon
Registration for this event has closed. Click here to view photos from the event.
Join us for a facilities tour at San Diego State University led by Athletic Grounds Lead, Cody Beltz, and the Athletics Event Staff. We will tour Tony Gwynn Stadium (baseball), SDSU Softball Stadium, Aztecs Lacrosse Field, Peterson Practice Fields – Synthetic and Natural Grass (Football and Rugby) and the SDSU Sports Deck Field (Soccer and Track & Field). The tour will start at Tony Gwynn Stadium.
Registration requested by April 5, 2024.
Free to attend for SoCal SFMA members. Click here to renew your membership. $35 event fee for non-members. Lunch is included.
Click the Pay Now button below to pay for non-member registration.