Field Day at SoCal Sports Complex
Wednesday, July 24, 8 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Registration for this event has closed. Click here to view photos from the event.
Join us for a field day at SoCal Sports Complex, one of the premier amateur athletic facilities for soccer, lacrosse, and rugby on the West Coast. Featuring 22 full-size fields on 52.5 acres, this impressive complex will serve as the perfect setting for our field day where you will see demonstrations and visit vendor tables showcasing the latest and greatest products and equipment for 2024. Lunch is included.
Registration requested by July 18, 2024.
Free to attend for SoCal SFMA members. Click here to renew your membership. $35 event fee for non-members. Lunch is included.
Vendors: Secure a table at this event for just $150. Must be a commercial member. To request a table, email
Click the Pay Now button below to pay for non-member registration.